G E O 3
Software for calculation of Hertz'ian pressure
(C) Copyright 1999-2025 by HEXAGON Software, Berlin
When two bodies touch with a point- or line-shaped common area, deformations and tensions appear according to Hertz’s theory because of pressures. Hertz’s solutions are based on Boussinesq’s expressions. A homogenous, isotropic material and the validity of Hook’s law is presumed as well as the results of axial forces on the touching area only. Moreover, the deformation w0 (panel raising cut) must be small compared to the body measures.
The GEO3 software calculates Hertz’s compression and deformation of two bodies whose common area is point- or line-shaped. Pressure tensions, deformation, length and width of the pressure ellipse and the spring rate are calculated.
Body Shapes
GEO3 can calculate following body combinations: Ball-ball, ball-plane, cylinder-cylinder. The touching contour can be concave or convex. Bodies with a different radius (e. g. rolling bearing rings) are input as special bodies with radius Rx and Ry.
Geometry Input
Balls are defined by their diameter d, cylinders by diameter d and length L. Cambered planes are fixed by their radiuses rx and ry.
Material Database
To calculate deformation and Hertz’s pressing, elastic modulus and poisson ratio are needed. The values can be directly input, or you can choose a material from the database.
The standard output provides output of all input data and resulting values to screen, printout or text file. The most important result data is presented in a table. The deformation, tensile stress and spring rate diagrams can be displayed separate or in a Quick View.
CAD Interface
Diagrams may be generated by GEO3 as DXF or IGES files. This enables export to CAD systems with corresponding interfaces or word-processing programs.
To adapt to the utilized CAD system, text style and width factor can be configured in GEO3. Layers and colours can also be redefined.
HEXAGON Help System
For each input there is a help text and auxiliary picture of the utilized denominations available in the HEXAGON Help System. GEO3 displays warnings and error messages when exceeding a limit. For every error message you can have a description and remedy suggestion.
System Requirements
GEO3 is available as 32-bit or 64-bit application for Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7.
Scope of delivery
GEO3 program, auxiliary pictures and help text, input forms, user manual (pdf), license agreement for indefinate period of time.
HEXAGON gives a 24 month guarantee on full functionality of the software.
Information and Update Service
HEXAGON Software is continuously improved and updated. Customers are regularly informed about updates and new editions.
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