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Software for Involute Spline Dimensions

(C) Copyright 2015-2025 by HEXAGON, Berlin, Kirchheim, Neidlingen


WNXE calculates dimensions of any involute spline. You have the choice to input dimensions of external spline and internal spline and calculate clearance and backlash. Or enter dimensions of external spline or internal spline together with clearance and backlash to get counterpart dimensions.

And you have the choice to input tooth thickness or tooth gap width or profile shift coefficient or dimension over/between balls or span width .

WNXE can calculate dimensions of involute splines (without tolerances) according to any standard, if the most essential dimensions are known or measured. WNXE calculates involute splines to ISO 4156, DIN 5480, ANSI B92.1, DIN 5482, DIN 9611. Even JIS splines with 20 deg pressure angle and large profile shift.

Involute splines according to unknown standards and non-standard involute splines can be designed, calculated and generated by means of WNXE.

Tooth Profile

WNXE generates a true-scale drawing of the involute profile of both, internal and external involute spline. The profile drawing can be used for profile projector, wire eroding machine, 3D printer etc.


WNXE software calculates dimensions and profile of external spline (shaft) and internal spline (hub). WNXE offers various input options:

- external spline and internal spline or either of them together with clearance and backlash

- major diameter and minor diameter or tooth height coefficients (addendum and dedendum)

- profile shift coefficient or tooth thickness or dimensions over/between balls or span width

- clearance and backlash in mm or inches, or as factor of module c/m

- module or pitch


WNXE calculates span width and dimensions over/between pins, where pin diameter and number of pins measured may be modified. Or you can input

measured dimensions instead of addendum modification coefficient, dimensions not selected for input are immediately calculated and shown.

Reference Profile

Addendum and dedendum coefficients can be entered, or WNXE calculates it from major diameter and minor diameter.


WNXE calculates dimensions without tolerances. Thus, profile shift coefficient xe means the factor of the generated profile shift, not the nominal value x. If limits should be calculated with WNXE, you have to run two calculations with min and max tolerances.

Quick View

Quick View shows a drawing of internal and external spline together with tables of dimensions and measurement altogether on one screen.


Drawings of tooth gap, involute spline profile, reference profile of the cutting tool can be shown on screen, printed or generated as DXF or IGES file.

Production Drawing

WNXE generates a production drawing with involute spline dimensions drawn with a drawing header. Drawing data and modifcations can be edited within WNXE. Production drawing may be printed directly, or exported as DXF or IGES file.

CAD Interface

WNXE generates true-scale drawings as DXF or IGES file, ready to be loaded into any CAD or CNC system. Settings like number of points for the involute or fillet curve may be configured in WNXE.


WNXE software can be switched between metric units (mm) and imperial units (inch).

HEXAGON Help System

Input windows provide help windows and auxiliary images. If error messages occur, you can get help with description and remedy suggestions.

System Requirements

WNXE-Software runs with Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7.

Software Maintenance

WNXE is constantly being improved and updated. Registered users will be informed about news, and can get new versions at a reasonable update price.


HEXAGON guarantees for a period of 24 months that the software will fulfil the functions described.

Download WNXE Demo for Windows (621 kB)

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