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W S T 1
Material Database for Steels and Non-Iron Metals
(C) Copyright 1992-2025 by HEXAGON Software, Berlin
Technical data, strength values, alloy components, properties and utilization data for steels and NE metals are available in WST1. WST1 creates an extension-expansion diagram as well as fatigue stress diagrams for tension/pressure, bending and torsion.
The data records can easily be modifed and extended. Any number of new materials can be added. The existing values can be replaced by differing company-own values. Deletion of unrequired data records so that the material selection reflects only those used
is also possible.
Data Base
The incorporated material data base contains around 900 steel and non-ferrous materials. WST1 uses the DBF format for the data base. This provides an interface with other programs. WST1 is an open system, the material data can be modified and extened internal, or by means of other database programs.
WST1 comes with four database files: Base data, chemical composition, fatigue stress properties, international material names.
International Standards Comparisation Table
WST1 lists equivalent materials according to international standards EN 10025, EN 10027 (Europe), DIN (Germany), NBN (Belgium), AFNOR (France), BS (Great Britain), UNI (Italy), JIS (Japan), SS and UNE (Sweden), GOST (Russia), AISI (USA).
The material data (E-modulus, shear module, Poisson ratio, density, tensile strength, yield point, fatigue strength values, alloy components, info texts) can be output as a list to screen or printer, or saved to a separate file.
Strain-Stress Diagram
WST1 creates a tension-elongation diagram in relation to material type, tensile strength, yield point, elasticity modulus and elongation after fracture.
Smith Diagram
For dynamic load a Smith diagram is useful to check the safety against fatigue fracture for pre-defined mean stress and stress amplitude. WST1 draws Smith diagrams and Haigh diagrams for tension/pressure, bending and torsion. The parameters (permissible stress, alternating strength and pulsating strength) are taken from the data base. Fatigue stress diagrams can
also be created for newly entered materials.
Goodman Diagram
Goodman diagram is similar than Smith diagram, but used for pulsating stress (tension) only, not applicable for alternating stress (tension-pressure).
Woehler Curve
You can enter the load cycle edge positions (transition static to finite-life fatigue and finite-life fatigue to fatigue strength safe) and WST1 draws the Woehler diagram.
Size Factor
Tensile strength Rm and yield point Re as function of material thickness (diameter) can be shown as diagram.
Quick View
Quick View shows the tension/pressure diagram and Smith diagrams along with the material data on one page. Quick3 View additionally with Goodman diagram, Haigh diagram and Woehler curve, altogether on one screen.
CAD Interface
Diagrams can be printed out or exported to CAD via DXF and IGES files.
HEXAGON Help System
For each input you can have the HEXAGON help system display help text and auxiliary pictures.
Hardware and Software Requirements
WST1 Software is available as 32-bit or 64-bit application for Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7.
Scope of Delivery
The WST1 package includes WST1 program, data base files, auxiliary pictures and help texts, a detailed user manual (pdf), a license agreement for indefinate period of time.
Information and Update Service
The WST1 Software as well as the data bases are continuously improved and updated. Customers are regularly informed about updates and new editions. Licensed users can obtain new versions at the more favourable update prices.
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